
Our Lady of the Assumption Church is located at 17 High Street, Bloomingburg, NY 12721.

Mailing Address: PO Box 527, Bloomingburg, NY 12721

Office: 845-733-1477. Fax: 845-733-4795.


Fr. Paul A.M. Denault, O.Carm. ~ Parish Priest

Fr. Marlon Beharry, O.Carm, ~ Parochial Vicar

Fr. Paul “Pablo” Richmond, O.Carm. ~ Parochial Vicar

Beth Texter ~ Parish Coordinator

Gary Texter ~ Pastoral Assistant

Music Director ~ Bette Bonitz

Office Hours are Monday 9am-4pm, Wednesday 9am-4pm, and Friday 9am-1pm.

To reach our Religious Education Coordinator, Robin Masiero, please call 845-733-1518.

If you are in need of a priest, please call Fr. Paul Denault, O.Carm.
at 845-343-4121 (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church).